My story

Photography has always been a way for me to make memories tangible.

When I first got my hands on my mothers DSLR at age ten, I had no clue what I was doing but I loved it. I learned how to use a DSLR on manual at age fourteen thanks to my friend, Owen Hunter. From there I taught myself all I know. Once I had learned how to operate the camera correctly, I was in and out of photography. Some weekends I would carry my camera, others I wouldn't. This all changed at the age of sixteen, when my Jared, the older brother of my friend Gary, lent me a pro-spec camera for a trip I was taking to Colorado. On this trip, I was able to capture so many breathtaking features and unforgettable moments because I was carrying that camera. After returning it to him, I invested my life savings in a similar camera. From that moment on, I have rarely left home without it.

I created this business because I wanted all my classmates to have access to more affordable senior portraits without sacrificing quality. Once my first senior portrait season ended, I began shooting sports with teams from my high school, and creating highlight videos of them. After that, I began to be recognized and hired by big events in New England and have continued to grow ever since.

Fortunately, I don't plan to put my camera down anytime soon, if ever. I am now at University of Colorado Boulder where I am studying Neuroscience (Pre-Med), and Psychology.